Wenxin Keli Introduction


Wenxin Keli

Wenxin Granule

Wen Xin Ke Li

Wen Xin Granule 


Atrial fibrillation natural treatment

The Chinese herb extract Wenxin Keli(also named Wenxin Granule) is formulated from Zhigancaotang which was created about 2000 years ago. Wenxin keli is valid for various arrhythmias. especially suitable for tachyarrhythmia. It now holds:

The No.1 herbs medicine Choice for Afib
The best selling #1 herbs medicine for Arrhythmia(2017).
The best selling #5 herbs medicine for CHD and Angina(2017).
The title of the first state-sanctioned traditional Chinese medicine-based antiarrhythmic drug.

Wenxin Keli has been featured in :

Wenxin Keli for atrial fibrillation   

The Chinese herb extract Wenxin Keli: A promising agent for the management of atrial fibrillation

 Wenxin Keli versus Sotalol for Paroxysmal Atrial Fibrillation Caused by Hyperthyroidism: A Prospective, Open Label, and Randomized Study

The Chinese herb extract Wenxin Keli: Atrial selectivity from the Far East

 To Evaluate the Efficacy and Safety of Wenxin Keli in Treating Atrial Premature Beats

Efficacy and safety of Chinese herbal medicine Wenxin Keli for ventricular premature be ats: A systematic review

Wenxin Keli History

In the early 1980s, Dr. Yu-Ping Zhou, together with other TCM doctors from Guang’anmen (GAM) Hospital affiliated with the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences (formerly the China Academy of TCM), initiated the research and development of Wenxin Keli. The composition of this formula was determined under the treatment principle of pattern identification in TCM from the prescriptions of Zhigancao tang(prepared licorice root decoction) in Shanghan zabing lun which was created about 2000 years ago. :“Zhigancao tang is mainly used in patients with palpitations due to irregular or intermittent pulses,” and from the personal clinical experience of physicians in GAM Hospital. Then, the preparation form of this formula was changed from decoction to granule.

In 1987, Wenxin Keli for the treatment of arrhythmia became a research project of the Institute of Chinese Medical Sciences. In 1991, it was included in “The 8th Five-Year Plan,” the National Key Science and Technology Project of TCM. In 1996, the outcomes were reviewed and approved. In 1995, this product received new drug certification issued by the Ministry of Health of the people’s Republic of China and was officially marketed.

Wenxin Keli Studies

Since 1995, further in-depth studies on its antiarrhythmic mechanisms of action were carried out at different levels ranging from clinical studies to basic studies and from myocardial tissues to animals. The results confirmed the significant preventive and therapeutic efficacy of Wenxin Granule on arrhythmias induced by aconitine, barium chloride, and epinephrine.Studies on the mechanisms of action then were performed at the cellular and molecular levels. The application of the whole-cell patch-clamp technique proved the followings: Wenxin Keli significantly inhibited sodium, potassium, and calcium channels on myocardial cell membrane in a dose-dependent manner, and it was found to possess activities of Class I, III, and IV antiarrhythmic drugs.

Foreign scholars began to investigate the Wenxin Keli in 2005. Benefiting from the advanced basic research technologies and previously developed equipment, a number of internationally renowned scholars became involved in the study on Wenxin Keli and three important achievements were quickly achieved.

The first is the study conducted by Xue et al.This study confirmed that Wenxin Keli significantly inhibited late sodium currents to reduce early after-depolarization, delayed after-depolarization, and T-wave alternate, thus to prevent and reduce the occurrence of malignant ventricular arrhythmia.

The second is the study conducted by Burashnikov et al. in 2012. This study showed that Wenxin Keli produced atrial-selective inhibition of peak sodium current (INa) and was thus capable of prolonging postrepolarizing refractoriness and prevented or terminated atrial fibrillation induced by acetylcholine and burst pacing. The conclusion was affirmed by a commentary article.

The third is another study conducted by Minoura Y et al. in which Wenxin Keli was found to inhibit the transient outward current Ito. Using experimental models of Brugada syndrome generated with the Ito agonists (NS5806), Wenxin Keli, particularly in combination with quinidine, was shown to suppress the electrocardiographic and arrhythmic manifestations of Brugada syndrome, with the inhibition rate of 60% and 100% by 5 and 10 g/L Wenxin Keli, respectively, suggesting a therapeutic effect of Wenxin Keli on Brugada syndrome.

In 2010–2012, a randomized, double-blinded, placebo- controlled, and multicenter clinical study on Wenxin Keli for the treatment of atrial premature beats and ventricular premature beats was conducted. This study, involving 60 Grade-III medical institutions in China, was led by researchers at Beijing Fuwai Cardiovascular Hospital and enrolled 2400 participants. The results showed that the total effective rate of Wenxin Keli for the treatment of atrial premature beats and ventricular premature beats was 83.6% and 83.0%, respectively. It was also reported to improve heart palpitations, chest tightness, fatigue, and other symptoms. No proarrhythmia was observed; the incidence of adverse reactions was not statistically different from those of the placebo group.

In summary, recent studies have advanced our understanding of the mechanisms of action of Wenxin Keli and its clinical effectiveness.

Wenxin keli is valid for various arrhythmias.especially suitable for tachyarrhythmia.It is the preferred herbs medicine for complicated atrial premature beats and ventricular premature beats in symptomatic patients without organic(functional impairments) heart disease.

There are 2 types and 2 different specifications Wenxin keli for sale.

2 types: Common wenxin keli and Sugar free wenxin keli.

2 specifications : 9 packets/box and 18 packets/box

 Types Specifications Difference
Common 9packets/box 9g/packet
18packets/box 9g/packet
Sugar Free 9packets/box 5g/packet
18packets/box 5g/packet

Sugar free type is recommended for diabetic people.

Wenxin Keli Specification

Items Content
Product Name Wenxin Keli
Property Granule
Ingredients Codonopsis, rhizoma polygonati, notoginseng, amber, spikenard.
Functions Nourishing qi and Yin, invigorating blood circulation and removing blood stasis
Indications Arrhythmia,Afib, CHD and Angina, ventricular premature beat, room premature beat with palpitations restless shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness, palpitation, chest stuffy chest pain symptoms
Spec 5g*9packets





Dosage One packet per time, three times one day. or following medical directions. One month as one period of treatment.
Side Effects Mild dizziness and nausea occasional.
Taboo Uncertainty
  1. Pregnant women with caution.
  2. Stir the granule until dissolved. Do not discard the powder at the bottom of the cup.


Wenxin Keli Clinical application

Atrial premature beats

Results of a single-center study showed that the total efficacy on atrial premature beats was higher with Wenxin keli than in control group (76.7% vs. 30.0%, P < 0.05) but was similar to that of propafenone (150 mg, 3 times daily) (75% vs. 72%, P > 0.05). Regarding the total clinical efficiency,the wenxin keli combined warfarin group was better than the warfarin group P <0.05. Total efficiency 93.7%.
However, Wenxin keli had a lower incidence of adverse reactions and weak sinus bradycardia effects. A multicenter evidence-based medical study in China showed that the total effective rate of Wenxin Granule for the treatment of atrial premature beats was 83.6%.

Ventricular premature beats

A single-center study showed that the effective rate of Wenxin keli for the treatment of ventricular premature beats was 68–85%. A multicenter, randomized, double-blind, parallel, placebo-controlled study showed that the total effective rate of Wenxin keli to reduce ventricular premature beats and nonsustained paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia was 83%.

Atrial fibrillation

In an experimental acetylcholine-mediated model of AF, 5 g/L Wenxin keli effectively terminated and prevented the development of atrial fibrillation in 100% preparations. Two single-center studies have shown that the addition of Wenxin keli can improve the efficacy of other drugs (including amiodarone and propafenone) in the treatment of patients with paroxysmal atrial fibrillation. For patients with chronic atrial fibrillation, Wenxin keli in combination with digoxin or metoprolol further decreased the ventricular rate, improved the symptoms, and increased exercise tolerance.


In the elderly and in patients with hypertension, heart failure,pulmonary heart disease,acute coronary syndrome, hyperthyroidism, angina pectoris, menopausal syndrome, and anxiety disorders, Wenxin keli has been shown to suppress premature beats with a high level of safety profile.

Improvement of traditional Chinese medical “syndrome”

In addition to the effective treatment of atrial and ventricular premature beats, Wenxin keli can significantly improve the specified groups of symptoms or “syndrome” within the scope of TCM. Its indications include qi and yin deficiency and heart blood stasis, complicated with palpitations, shortness of breath, fatigue, dizziness, chest tightness, chest pain, and insomnia to improve a patient’s quality of life.

Where to buy Wenxin Keli:

Wenxin Keli (18 sachets per box)( common )

Wenxin Keli (18 sachets per box)( suger free )

Wenxin Keli (9 sachets per box)( common )

Wenxin Keli (9 sachets per box)( suger free )